These young gentlemen deserve some appreciation for their academic progress and outstanding character.
Odai- Studious, organised and independent. He is mature and well respected for his manly-like qualities and positive aura. Teachers credit him for his ambitious attitude and ability to solve problems. He is an absolute asset to our school and a pleasure to teach.
Mustafa- Excellent communicator who loves expressing himself and voicing his opinions when he believes in something. His confidence is his strength that gets him from point to point, and he can be extremely charismatic in nature. An independent young man who wears his heart on his sleeve. We absolutely adore Mustafa.
Laith- A kind soul with a purpose of his own. He leads and sets the example through his innate hard working character and ambitious drive. Laith wastes no time and sees a learning opportunity at every corner. We see him going to high places insha’Allah.
Abed Alqader- A polite and studious young man. He’s articulate and always tries his absolute best to improve himself in all curricular areas. He is well loved by all his teachers and we all believe in his ability to achieve even further leaps and bounds in his academic progress and goals. He is an absolute delight to have.