May Allah put barakah in our time and have the Quran as our companion.
- Published in Facebook2, New & Events, Quran Program
You are a conscientious and intelligent student Hashem , in Grade 6. Your experienced and inspirational Islamic Studies teacher Ms Iman Abdelsalam is praising you for your excellent work. Keep up with inspiring your colleagues too!
- Published in Facebook1, New & Events, Quran Program
Thank you Ms Areen, for having a special Quran lesson in the sun. It was a great reminder about this verse ”Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. Indeed, Allah does what He intends.” Quran 22:14 [sgdg path=20200302__Surah_Al-Haj]
- Published in New & Events, Quran Program