STUDENT APPRECIATION Grade 5 Hassan and Abdulrahman were honoured in the General Manager’s office for their academic and personal achievements. Hassan was thanked for his consistency in class and during online learning. He attends all online classes, completes all his required work and absolutely excels in the subjects he loves, particularly Maths and Science. Abdulrahman
- Published in New & Events, Student Success Story
Amer and Joud were congratulated for their consistency and effort in Semester 1. Their teachers described them as helpful, hardworking, ambitious and always doing the right thing academically and socially. We couldn’t be more proud of these A-Star students A able to achieve his personal best M marvellous character E eager to learn and help others
- Published in New & Events, Student Success Story
We love honouring our students that have worked relentlessly during this semester and have pushed themselves to achieve their ultimate best. Lamar, Zaid and Malak have made us proud with their amazing character and contribution to lesson discussions, their creativity and their dedication to submitting all that’s required of them. Their results have been a
- Published in New & Events, Student Success Story
Haneen Faraj from grade 4 is an excellent student with an extra artistic flair. Missing you Haneen
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KG2A students are showing an amazing progress day by day. A big thank you to their parents for following up. It couldn’t be a success without your help. Keep up the great work my lovely kids. Your teacher is missing you a lot. Mrs. Rawan Sweidan
- Published in Growth Mindset, New & Events
Bana, Lia’a, Feryal, Hummam, Jamila, Joud, Jad, and Ibrahim from grade 1 are acting out the new words they learned about in a vocabulary lesson. It seems they are enjoying it! 🙂
- Published in Growth Mindset, New & Events
بالتعلّم تكبُر عقولنا وتكبر أحلامنا ونشعر أنّنا أفضل ، وباستمراريّتكم عليه صغارُنا نفخر .. شكرًا لكم أيّها المستكشفون الصغار على جهودكم الرائعة التي تبذلونها في المتابعة والكتابة والتعلّم عن بعد ، نحبّكم و نشتاق لكم كثيرًا .. كونوا بخير :”
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Yafa Baidas 20 years sent us her amazing artwork on behalf of her relative Joud Al-qaoud G1.
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Halima & Nasma Awwad are known for their preciseness and persistence your artworks are fabulous! Keep it up
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Yamin Al-Bataineh from G7 accepted the “Lockdown Art Challenge” and drew an amazing artwork describing Jordan’s strength facing this pandemic vs the whole world!Excellent Job Yamin!
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